Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Impressions of American life at the University of Mississippi

It has been three days now since I arrived the University of Mississippi. With that span of time, I can say that I have already witnessed and experienced the what they call "American World"; a world that I consider different from my own. My initial impressions of it are of different aspects. It includes my observations on the personality and behavior of American people, their values, their dress, and education.

American students and teachers in Ole Miss in general are very warm and friendly in nature as I have observed. They welcome people, especially like us from other countries, with warm smiles and greetings. I can always feel their exultance and excitement whenever I am in their company. They don't let one feel isolated. They usually intermingle and interact with people around them. They are very sensitive to other people especially to foreign students. They understand our situation and condition and, thus, extend their hands to us. I have never imagined that the people whom I thought to be arrogant and superior at first came to be very caring and loving.

When it comes to values, American people particularly in Ole Miss give emphasis on the sense of privacy and individualism. They don't consider this as something tantamount to isolation or loneliness. They just adhere to the dogma that as individuals their needs must be respected. They also value equality. One of the apparent example is the informality of their behavior and communication in the workplace. This American tendency is to minimize status differences rather than to emphasize them. Future orientation is also one of their many values. They are dynamic people. Progress and goals are what they are after.They abhor mediocrity.

In terms of clothing an d fashion, students of Ole Miss, as I have observed, love simplicity. They don't care about looking great in normal days. They wear whatever they have and that's it. They don't brag about the brand of what they are wearing or how expensive it is. Most of them just wear a shirt and shorts especially during summer time. Their way of clothing also gives light to their being energetic and enthusiastic.

Furthermore, the educational aspect of my first impressions. I have noticed that most American students love reading, be it novels, newpapers or magazines. That is indeed a very good past-time.They always keep themselves updated, which I find very productive.

There you have it! I am so thankful that I am able to realize these things and somehow appreciate the brighter side of American life particularly in Ole Miss. At the end of the day, it just depends on how you view it. It's culture. It is not correct; it is not wrong. It is just different.

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